My Savior, My God


Job 19:25 (NIV)-I know that my redeemer lives, and that in the end he will stand on the earth.

“I am not skilled to understand

What God has willed what God has planned

I only know at His right hand

Stands One who is my Savior”

Do you have women in your life who inspire you by their faith? Today’s song was sent to me by one of those women in my life.  She knows the lyrics to the beginning of the song all too well.  I do not understand why she has had to go through so many struggles with her health and why challenges keep coming her way.  I am amazed by the way her faith has become more precious than gold as it is tested over and over.  She gives glory to God as her  faith remains strong through trials.  I want her to know I am one of her biggest fans and am praying for her health and strength to be fully restored.  

Another Christian woman I am a big fan of, even though I do not know personally, is Lysa Terkeurst. For those of you not familiar with her, she is a writer and speaker and runs Proverbs 31 Ministries.   She has this amazing ability to come across as a friend.  She teaches lessons as she shares funny stories that show she doesn’t always have it all together.  But, I really thought she had her marriage together.  I was very sad to hear she was divorcing and surprised by how forthcoming she was with the details.  She explained that her husband has been having an affair and struggles with substance abuse.  When she found out 18 months ago, she choose to forgive him, but he has remained dishonest and unfaithful since that time.  After much counsel and prayer, she has decided to get a divorce.

She tells how she prayed continually over her marriage.  She has shared in her books that she and her husband met at church, worshiped together, and led weekend family retreats. They each wrote a book on capturing your spouse’s heart. How did this happen to them?  I find it really, really scary.  But, I am also inspired as she writes, “I am brokenhearted beyond what I can express. But I am more committed than ever to trusting God, His promises, and His plans, whatever they are from here.”  

Through this awful event, she is also giving glory to God as she is sharing how her faith remains strong through this trial.  It says in 1 Peter 1:7(NLT),  These trials will show that your faith is genuine. It is being tested as fire tests and purifies gold—though your faith is far more precious than mere gold. So when your faith remains strong through many trials, it will bring you much praise and glory and honor on the day when Jesus Christ is revealed to the whole world.”

I saw an open letter written to Lysa online. The woman who wrote it said she was once “a judgmental Christian who thought divorce was the chief of all sins.” until she was a victim of adultery.  It is so easy to judge others, especially when they are struggling. It says in James 2:13 (NLT),” There will be no mercy for those who have not shown mercy to others. But if you have been merciful, God will be merciful when he judges you.”

This online letter went on to say,” While I understand the Church’s fierce defense of marriage, when did God elevate rules above people? As I read scripture, I see Christ extending grace to the most unworthy sinners. I see Him healing the sick and the blind. I see Him setting captives free.”

God extends grace in our time of need.  Hebrews 4:16 (NIV) says“Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.”
We will all have times in our life when our faith is tested.  I pray that it remains strong through trials as we seek God’s mercy and grace in hard times.  I pray we will also show mercy and compassion to others and find ways to be there with them through their struggles.
The last thing I am going to share is a man’s perspective on fighting for our marriages.  I thought it was a good read and gives great advice for husbands and wives.



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